Mission Statement:
“To enable young people between the ages of 17.5 and 20 to develop the skills and confidence to function in an independent setting and ultimately live independently in our community.”
We believe that our clients have inherent skills that can be developed and expanded to allow them to function in the real world without any or with reduced system support. Evidenced Based Practices /Treatment Models are used by program staff and our program places “real world” demands on our clients within a context of support and encouragement.
Apartment Living Program:
The Apartment Living Program works with males (17.5 to 20 years of age) that have been involved with the Juvenile Justice System who are returning back into the local community. The majority of our residents will be returning to the community with minimal family support or resources. Our clients are in need of independent living skills and some of the program services offered to them are as follows: Individualized serviced plans, individualized counseling, Independent Living Workshop Groups, Education Placement Support, Vocational and Employment Placements support, Money Management, etc. Clients are expected to complete an independent living workshop curriculum which covers the listed topics as well as an array of other topics.
The program consists of five (two bed-room) apartments, one of which is utilized as a staff office which provides 24 hour on-site supervision. The other four apartments house two clients each for a total population of 8. The apartments are located in Virginia Beach near the oceanfront which allows for easy access to public transportation, employment opportunities, and local schools. Our clients are expected to attend school if they do not already have a high school diploma or GED. Our clients are also expected to obtain and sustain employment with the goal of saving money so they can move out on their own.
The ultimate goal of our program is to provide the support necessary for our young adults to be able to live independently as law abiding citizen upon completion of our program.
The Apartment Living Program provides the following services to residents:
- Individualized Service Plans
- Individual Counseling
- Assessments
- Independent Living Workshops/Groups
- Educational Placement Support
- Vocational/Employment Placement Support
- Money Management
- 24-hour Supervision/Case Management
- Social/Behavior Skills Development
- Aggression Replacement Training (ART)
- Recreational Opportunities
- Family Engagement/Involvement (if applicable)
- Comprehensive Discharge Planning
The Apartment Living Program accepts referrals for males (17.5 to 20 years of age) that have been committed to the Department of Juvenile Justice and are nearing release from Direct Care. Referrals can also be accepted for youth (on parole supervision) residing in the community whose circumstances warrant consideration or to prevent re-commitment. The appropriate candidate should demonstrate a level of functioning that would enable them to live with a roommate in an apartment setting with moderate supervision. These candidates would be in need of independent living skills and would have minimal family support as they transition into the community as young adults. The appropriate referral will be able to think in a logical and rational manner, be capable of being a good neighbor, demonstrate a willingness to participate in the program, comply with program conditions and supervision requirements. The average length of stay is 4 months but can be reviewed case by case for extension of up to 2 months if treatment plans and funding so dictate.
Exclusionary Offenses/ Behaviors:
- Active Psychosis
- Profound Intellectual Disability
- Violent Criminal History That Would Be A Threat To Others
- Severe Depression or Active Suicidal Risk
- Fire Setting/Arson
- Historical/Consistent Non-Compliance In Previous Settings
- Major Active Dependence or Addiction to Drugs/Alcohol
- Sex Offenses (Mandatory review by Executive or Deputy Director)
All referrals will be reviewed and considered on an individual basis. Referrals that may involve any of the above charges/conditions or have extenuating circumstances may be reviewed by the Executive Director/Deputy Director for final decision on acceptance.
**Registered Sex Offenders will not be considered for placement. **
For more information, or to make a referral, please contact William Wimbish, Program Director, at 757-965-4551 or [email protected].