Every day, young men in our own community face tough choices.  Often, they turn in the wrong direction and lose sight of the path to a brighter future.  The Westhaven Boys Home provides guidance and teaches skills to help these boys get back on the right track.

Director, Westhaven Boys Home

The Westhaven Boys Home is a residential group home for boys aged 12-17.  The program has a dual function, serving as both a post-dispositional/longer term treatment center and as a   pre-dispositional detention alternative/emergency shelter for foster   children or for teens in crisis.  With a capacity of 13 boys, the Westhaven Boys Home provides the supervision and treatment needed to foster positive attitudinal and behavioral changes.

Referrals to the Westhaven Boys Home are accepted from the Juvenile Court Service Units and the Departments of Social Services throughout Hampton Roads.  Placements are also made upon the recommendation of the local Family Assessment and Planning Teams (FAPT).

The Westhaven Boys Home offers the following services:

  • Individual and family counseling;
  • Aggression Replacement Training, an evidence-based model program that addresses social skills, anger control, and moral reasoning;
  • Specialized groups, including Junior Achievement and programs that address the male role in society and healthy intimate relationships with others;
  • Aftercare services, providing 90 days of follow-up services and case management, may be provided upon graduation from the Boys Home;
  • Academic support/literacy services, including collaboration with the public schools and small group literacy instruction three times per week with qualified teachers. Click here to read more about Tidewater Youth Services Foundation’s Academic Support and Literacy Program.
  • Recreation and pro-social activities, including participation in the Commission’s Outdoor Adventure Program.

For more information, or to make a   referral, please contact Carlos Hooker, Program Director, at 757-397-6690  or [email protected].