The Community-Based Clinical Services Program of the Tidewater Youth Services Commission offers a variety of services:

  • Aggression Replacement Training: A Comprehensive Intervention for Aggressive Youth is the primary treatment modality throughout the Tidewater Youth Services Commission. This program has been extensively researched and is designated an “effective” program by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention and a Model Program by the U.S. Department of Justice and the American Correctional Association. It was developed as a means of working with aggressive young people to help them learn new, pro-social ways of behaving. Its effectiveness has been confirmed in dozens of studies.
  • Tidewater Juvenile Substance Abuse Program- The Tidewater Juvenile Substance Abuse Program has been providing substance abuse services in the Hampton Roads area for over twenty years.  TJSAP utilizes a competency based model to identify and amplify strengths, resources, and skills for recovery. Traditional adult substance abuse models are not supported by research as being effective with adolescents.  Emerging research confirms that the most successful treatment programs are those that focus on changing the offender’s behavior and thinking process. Read more about TJSAP
  • SA Assessments- Tidewater Youth Services Commission offers a comprehensive biopsychosocial substance abuse assessment, evaluation and screening using the nationally recognized ASAM criteria.  Medical, psychological and social information is gathered, along with the results of additional objective recommendations to the referral source.  Read more about Assessments
  • Thinking for a Change (T4C) Group- An evidence based, integrated cognitive behavioral change program that incorporates cognitive restructuring, social skills development and the learning and use of problems solving skills. T4C is designed to help individuals in the juvenile justice system take control of their lives by taking control of their thinking. T4C concentrates on changing the criminogenic thinking of offenders. Read more about Thinking for a Change
  • Home-Based Individual and Family Counseling- Home Based counseling is brief, intensive therapy (3-4 months) that incorporate both individual and family sessions, to be primarily conducted in the client’s residence.  This service usually entails at least two contacts per week for approximately 5-6 hours of service. The goal is family stabilization for medium to high risk clients.  This service works on decreasing the likelihood of an out of home placement by focusing on increased communication, decreased conflict and identifying strategies that will maintain progress as a family unit. Read more about Home-Based Individual and Family Counseling
  • Family Crisis Intervention (FCI)- Provides an immediate response to volatile family assault cases appearing at Intake. In most cases, the youth will not meet DAI criteria for secure detention, but will not be able to return home immediately because of safety issues and/or the anger/stress level experienced by the youth and family. The youth will be temporarily placed in a group home setting and will work with FCI to develop a plan for a safe return home.  Read more about Family Crisis Intervention
  • Life Skills– Clients are given the Casey Life Skills assessment. Using the results of this assessment that identifies areas in which there is a need for an increase in skills, counselors will develop goals that focus on these identified categories.  Life Skills serves to increase success in problem solving, peer relationships and independent living.
  • Substance Abuse Education– A short term program (offered in either a group or individual format) offered to low risk adolescents who may be at risk of or have already begun to experiment with substances. Appropriate for clients who are being served in the Diversion Program of the Court Service Unit or Social Services clients who do not have a history of significant substance abuse.  Read more about Substance Abuse Education
  • Parenting/Family Skills Training-  A skill-building parenting program for families of at-risk adolescents ages 12 to 17 years. The objective of the program is, within family or group settings, to reduce risk factors and strengthen protective factors known to influence the likelihood of the teen abusing alcohol or other drugs, becoming delinquent or violent or displaying other problem behavior later in life. Read more about Parenting/Family Skills Training